In the midst of day to day things I like to do various activities when the mood strikes. Unfortunately it usually strikes in the middle of the night or after a strange dream. At the time these moments seems like inspiration that can often lead to good ideas that grow and become stories or drawings, etc. And sometimes when you are actually lucid you reread it or look at it and have no idea what in the world is going on, a rantings of a crazy person? If it is or isn't inspired you make that effort as an artist to get that memory recorded. Well one of the goals for this year is that I wanted to make my blog more personalized, but still keep a professional tone. But I thought sometimes to get people to appreciate any kind of art you do you need to give it that personal perspective, so they can develop a relationship between you and those who follow what you have been doing. What some people may or may not know that I enjoy writing nearly as much as I like drawing. So one of my many "crazy" ideas was to develop a memoir of what goes on in that brain of mine when I think of these things. Some people might find it entertaining, some may not. So periodically I will share excerpts from the "memoir© 2010" and other projects I've been working on to give you an idea of personal connection to the writer/illustrator. Another thing I will be doing in the upcoming months is to run a black and white online comic called "Vilmo© 2010" which I will post in the next day or so. Anyway, as creative writers will say that they are the exception to the rule when it comes to following the rules of writing, diction, or any other standards that may apply to formula. The creative writer's formula is to attempt to break new ground while attepting to make sense of the information you are trying to communicate. So keep that in mind as you read or attempt to read the following excerpt from my "memoir© 2010"
"January 6, 2010
5:35 AM
Woke up, had to write. Screaming headache, my sinuses are burning. Thinking a lot lately about time travel. Donnie Darko, Terminator, Lost, what was that other damn show…freak. I look to my right our large cat trying to get out of my daughter’s room to probably take a stinky crap. Must let her out. She can shake the door with her clawless fat paw. Getting up…damn it my daughter has locked door must get little key thing from our doorsill to open keyless door lock. Cat now making loud meowing noises, must get the key thingy. Have key thingy…crap, dropped it. It is also dark in here. I think now the cat knows I am aware that she is in there and becoming louder. Banging the door loudly. Come on I think you can do it I say to myself in the back of my head passing the thought of how horrible but yet wondrous it would be if she could be if she could actually pull the door down. Bending over to search for key. Can’t focus. Head is blaring. Can’t determine location visually of key in earth-tone carpet. Oh man, now I realize I need to get down on all fours. WILL YOU BE QUIET, I think. She is very noisy, large, and powerful. But all I need right now is to worry about cleaning a large mound of cat poo. They say all caps means yelling, that’s why I wrote it that way. But to tell you the truth I wouldn’t be able to yell even to myself, my head hurts too much. Oh, back to the key…is this shag carpet? Man I can’t see anything, now I realize something else much worse than the getting down on all fours idea, I got to turn the light on. My eyes get real sensitive to light when I have a migraine. Ah found it, with my knee…ouch! But at least I don’t have to turn on the freaking light. I get up, and this time, successfully put the key in the hole and free the cat which I imagine is prairie-dogging it from the amount of noise she is making. I know. I’ve been in that situation when it happens to you on the way home, and the closer you get to your prized location where you fantasize when I get there boy am I gonna let it fly and I don’t care who’s gonna hear it. In fact I hope the whole house, nay the whole neighborhood hears it, cause that’s how bad I got to go. But during your flight or fight you realize that that you may need to be in writing in case you crap your pants because it seems the closer you get to your desired target the more intense the reality of crapping your pants becomes closer to a probability it will become. Like in the TV show 24 when they discover a bomb that has a proximity circuit that when you try to run away the bomb goes off, except in this case the closer you get… well you get the idea. What is this cat doing? She’s just purring around my leg. And I thought it was emergency."